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restore flat db dump file

These instructions come from rwp, and apply to some of the vms that he works on, such as Savannah.

To restore a full database dump:

zcat < mysql.dump.20170415084708 | mysql -uROOTUSER -pROOTPASS

To restore a specific database:

Use sed to filter out other databases.
  time zcat mysql.dump.20170415084708 |
    sed -n '/^CREATE DATABASE.*`foo_database`/,/^CREATE DATABASE/p' |
      mysql -uSOMEUSER -pSOMEPASS foo_database

To restore a specific table from a specific database:

Use sed to filter out other databases.
Then use sed to filter out other tables.  In my case here the name
of the table is foo_table and so I am looking for that specific table.
  time zcat mysql.dump.20170415084708 |
    sed -n '/^CREATE DATABASE.*`foo_database`/,/^CREATE DATABASE/p' |
     sed -n '/^DROP TABLE.* `foo_table`/,/^UNLOCK TABLES/p' |
      mysql -uSOMEUSER -pSOMEPASS foo_database