Currently you can export trackers data using the built-in tools (\$tracker -> Export in the project menu) - if you're a project admin. It exports data in a ad-hoc XML format.
Actually maybe it would be simpler to just selectively dump the database. Here's a first draft on how to do that:
dir=`mktemp -d`
public_only="AND privacy != 2"
for i in bugs bugs_cc bugs_dependencies bugs_history trackers_file trackers_msgid trackers_spamscore; do
(mysql -NBr savane -e "SHOW CREATE TABLE $i" | sed '1s/.*\t//'; echo ";") > $dir/$i-structure.sql;
mysql savane -NBe "SELECT * FROM bugs WHERE group_id=$group_id $public_only;" > $dir/bugs.tsv
mysql savane -NBe "SELECT * FROM bugs_cc WHERE bug_id IN (SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE group_id=$group_id $public_only);" > $dir/bugs_cc.tsv
mysql savane -NBe "SELECT * FROM bugs_dependencies WHERE item_id IN (SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE group_id=$group_id $public_only);" > $dir/bugs_dependencies.tsv
mysql savane -NBe "SELECT * FROM bugs_history WHERE bug_id IN (SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE group_id=$group_id $public_only);" > $dir/bugs_history.tsv
mysql savane -NBe "SELECT * FROM trackers_file WHERE item_id IN (SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE group_id=$group_id $public_only) AND artifact='bugs';" > $dir/trackers_file.tsv
mysql savane -NBe "SELECT * FROM trackers_msgid WHERE item_id IN (SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE group_id=$group_id $public_only) AND artifact='bugs';" > $dir/trackers_msgid.tsv
# Don't mention who reported on who:
mysql savane -NBe "SELECT id, score, artifact, item_id, comment_id FROM trackers_spamscore WHERE item_id IN (SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE group_id=$group_id $public_only) AND artifact='bugs';" > $dir/trackers_spamscore.tsv
mysql -NB not only produces a format equivalent to
, but also works remotely.
Loading data in another computer would involve calling MySQL's
LOAD DATA INFILE [LOCAL] '/tmp/bugs_xxx.tsv' INTO TABLE bugs_xxx
The first issue to address is to limit the number of queries that users can perform. For example a database export of the Gnash bugs takes 7MB. Either we can limit with a cron job, or by limiting the number of queries from logged-in users, or IP.
The second issue to address is to import such data back in Savane. To avoid publishing false data (e.g. importing a bug report wrongly attributed to a public person to discredit him/her), all user information should be discarded or displayed as non-authoritative comment. The only information that Savannah can trust is the one that Savannah itself produced, not the one that is imported.
The third issue to address is to export tracker configuration
Other tables shouldn't need to be exported.